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Archive for September 14th, 2007

Picture(s) of the day

Posted by ILL Natured_gr on September 14, 2007

A small tribute to the (or pretending to be) Greek Minister of National Security,mr. Byron Polydoras


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Video(s) of the day

Posted by ILL Natured_gr on September 14, 2007

Three of the best Political TV Spots

We all together take Greece ahead

The only fire

New Democracy Party 2007 : We’re changing the Greek map




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Bald man accused of stealing hair-loss product

Posted by ILL Natured_gr on September 14, 2007

Sept. 12, 2007, 11:45PM
Bald man accused of stealing hair-loss product

Associated Press

OSSINING, N.Y. — A bald man went into a pharmacy and stole five bottles of a hair loss treatment but was caught while running away, police said.

Mark Hoousendove, 42, was arrested on misdemeanor charges of petty larceny and resisting arrest, Detective Lt. William Sullivan said. The product was worth about $50.

Hoousendove, of Freeport, had just dropped off friends who were visiting an inmate at Sing Sing prison on Sunday when he went into the pharmacy, police said. An officer nearby chased him and grabbed him, they said.

Hoousendove was jailed in lieu of $3,000 bail and was due in court today.

There was no telephone listing for Hoousendove at the home address provided by police, and a call to the only listing for a Hoousendove in Freeport rang unanswered.

Source :

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Ad-based Trojan hits MySpace, Bebo and others

Posted by ILL Natured_gr on September 14, 2007

Ad-based Trojan hits MySpace, Bebo and others
Malware hidden in adverts

Matt Chapman, 11 Sep 2007

Users of high profile sites including MySpace, The Sun, Bebo and PhotoBucket have been exposed to a Trojan hidden within adverts.

The sites all ran advertising in recent weeks from the Right Media online ad exchange which were unknowingly infected with the Downloader.VBS.Agent.n Trojan.

“This is another example of how legitimate ‘trusted’ websites can unknowingly host malware,” said Dan Nadir, vice president of product strategy at ScanSafe.

“Online ads have become a primary target for malware authors because they offer a stealthy way to distribute malware to a wide audience.”

Nadir explained that the malware was particularly dangerous because it required no user interaction for infection to take place.

ScanSafe estimates that up to 12 million ads may have been delivered, exposing a large number of users to the Trojan.

The security vendor saw a surge in blocks of the Trojan beginning on 8 August and continuing until early September.

Nadir added that it will be very difficult to track down the source of the malware because the hacker used the distributed nature of online advertising to spread the code to hundreds of sites.

One of the infected adverts used a Flash file to generate an invisible iFrame. This was linked to an IP address containing obfuscated visual basic script that used the well-known MDAC exploit to download a Trojan executable.

ScanSafe believes that the malicious script inside the Flash ad avoided detection by Right Media because of the clever use of a referrer check. This meant that the advert only became active when delivered by a particular ad server.

The Downloader.VBS.Agent.n malware downloads other programs which are launched on the victim’s machine without knowledge or consent.

ScanSafe said that several well known sites, including TomsHardware, have unwittingly hosted malware that was inserted via infected online ads.

Source :

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